When calling the shortened 2023 Victorian duck shooting season, the Andrews Labor government announced that a parliamentary inquiry into native bird hunting would be held.
Over 10,000 written submissions to parliament were lodged – the largest ever received on any issue. The Coalition Against Duck Shooting submissions can be viewed here and here.
Levy and Trakell gave evidence at the hearings on 16 June 2023 – transcript available here.

“Every day that I head into a public hearing for the Inquiry into Native Bird Shooting, I have a moment of ‘this is pretty incredible’.
A whole Select Committee of MPs across the political spectrum, and dedicated days to hear the stories of an almost 40-year-long campaign.
This is what happens when we push animals onto the political agenda.
It’s largely because of the work of these two — Laurie and Lynn from the Coalition Against Duck Shooting.
And yes, I got emotional listening to Laurie tell his story today.
He’s been fighting the recreational slaughter of our native waterbirds since before I was even born.
Hopefully soon, our wildlife will have a better, safer future because of it.”
Comment by AJP MP Georgie Purcell

Read the transcript of their hearing available here.
The results of the Inquiry will be provided to Government in late August 2023.
Latest Updates
Read the Herald Sun – Victoria on track to ban recreational duck hunting from 2024.
12 August 2023, Ch9 news – Parliamentary Inquiry leak – duck shooting could be outlawed in Victoria from as early as next year.
The bosses of four unions including the Building, Electrical Trades and CFMEU are using scare tactics by telling their members the lie that the Victorian Government is intending to ban all hunting, fishing and other recreational outdoor activities in this state. Yet the Government’s Parliamentary Inquiry is only looking at one issue – whether to ban the recreational shooting of native waterbirds. The union leaders know this, yet they continue to deceive their members in the hope of winning their support. As duck shooters in this state make up less than 0.2 per cent of all Victorians, not many union members would be involved in the violent and cruel activity of shooting down Australia’s magnificent native waterbirds (unless they are shooting illegally).
18 August 2023, Channel 7 news. 6pm.
Parliamentary Inquiry Recommends a Ban on Duck Shooting
Ch 9 6pm News 31.8.23
Ch 7 6pm News 31.8.23
ABC 7pm News 31.8.23