Join the Coalition Against Duck Shooting and you’ll then have the option to join the duck rescue team.
Write a letter to the Victoria Government and tell Premier Jacinta Allan that you want the recreational shooting of native waterbirds banned, as it has been in Western Australia (1990), NSW (1995) and now Queensland (2005) by other state Labor governments. Also tell her that the brutality and cruelty inflicted on Australia’s native waterbirds is unacceptable and barbaric, especially by a Labor Government in the 21st century.
Premier Jacinta Allan,
1 Treasury Place,
East Melbourne, Victoria 3002,
Email: [email protected].
Donations are Not tax deductible. This allow us to be completely free from political interference.
The Coalition Against Duck Shooting has no paid employees. Everyone volunteers their time and skills and all money donated supports duck rescue and the campaign to end the recreational shooting of native waterbirds.
Bank transfer to: Coalition Against Duck Shooting
Bank Code: 063007
Account Number: 10047959
post cheques to:
PO Box 276
South Melbourne
VIC 3205