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10,000 waterbirds protected but shooters alleged offences at other wetlands

15 Jun 2021 | News


Media release    Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Rescuers protect 10,000 waterbirds at a Ramsar listed wetland, but shooters commit many alleged offences at other wetlands during record short duck season

Coalition Against Duck Shooting (CADS) rescuers attended Lake Cullen, part of the internationally re...

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Opening day government sanctioned animal abuse

01 Jun 2021 | News


Media release    Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Duck shooting is government sanctioned animal abuse – View shocking duck shooting cruelty footage from the opening day

This footage shows shocking cruelty to a sentient native waterbird by a duck shooter on the opening morning of the 2021 duck shooting se...

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2021 (Covid) Victorian Duck Shooting/Rescue Season

26 May 2021 | News

Despite very few duck shooters on the wetlands in 2021, this shocking cruelty was captured by a CADS’ photographer at Lake Lonsdale near Stawell, on the opening of the mid-week 2021 duck shooting season. The Game Management Authority (GMA) investigated but failed to prosecute. As duck shooters are the GMA’s clients, is there a serious conflict ...

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Bird numbers fudged; animal abuse; wildlife victoria joins rescue team

24 May 2021 | News


Media release    Monday, 24 May 2021

Game Management Authority ‘fudges’ bird numbers to increase bag limits Duck shooting is large-scale, legalised recreational animal abuse ‘Wildlife Victoria’ joins the rescue team at Stawell for the opening week

The Coalition Against Duck Shooting�...

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Piper’s Release

17 Apr 2021 | News

[embed][/embed] Piper was found by duck rescuers during the 2019 recreational duck shooting season. She was treated by a vet and released back to the wild by Animal Justice Party MP, Andy Meddick.

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