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How I got my gun licence and joined the duck hunters — in protest

02 Apr 2013 | News


Writer and environmental activist Debbie Lustig wasn't allowed to join the Victorian duck hunt without a gun licence and licence to hunt waterfowl. So she got both, and headed off with the hunters -- in protest. APR 02, 2013 In December last year 24 men and four women, including me, assembled for the compulsory test of the V...

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Out for a duck- The Australian Institute

12 Sep 2012 | News

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Game on: relaxed rules to allow teenage shooters a free licence to kill

17 Aug 2012 | News

The Age

August 17, 2012 Opinion - Jo Wilkinson

The state is introducing new hunting laws by stealth, rewarding its supporters.

SOMETIMES you can just be very lucky with politics. Take the gun industry, for example. After a devastating blow from John Howard's gun controls following the Port Arthur massacre, the...

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Bush remedies keep failing basic test of policy

07 Mar 2012 | News

The Age

editorial March 7, 2012.

The Nationals' influence has a high environmental cost

NEW governments routinely intone that they will govern for all and act in the public interest. In Australia, this is, firstly, a pragmatic acknowledgement that voters tend to be fairly evenly divided between government and o...

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2011 Rescuer Shot at Lake Buloke

18 May 2011 | News

At Lake Buloke, near Donald, in 2011, a rescuer was shot in the face and hands.  She was extremely lucky not to have been killed or blinded. This segment is a tribute to her courage and acts as a warning to all rescuers, whether experienced or not, who face serious dangers from duck shooters while on the wetlands. Insurance companies regard CADS...

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